Why Resistance Train Part 2: It’s about quality of life

resistance training improves quality of life

One of my goals in writing this blog (and in being a personal trainer for that matter) is to help educate people on how to best take care of their bodies. It is important to me that my clients not only work hard and see results, but maybe more so that they learn more about their bodies and what makes it tick. The end result is hopefully someone who is self-motivated and educated to the point where my service is no longer needed. Continue reading

Real Men Eat Plants- A look at the doc “Forks Over Knives”

The cover of Forks Over Knives about plant based, whole foods dietSmall divergence of my blog. My next post was planned to be part two of “Lift Weights…” (which is coming very soon). However, this afternoon I decided to watch a documentary film which I knew would challenge my preconception on diet and nutrition; or rather reaffirm many realities I had hoped were not true about my own diet.

The documentary is called “Forks Over Knives.” Now, while I may be behind the curve for those who seek out this sort of expose (often these types of films preach to the choir so to speak), I do feel there are a massive amount of the Canadian population who have not yet taken the time to question what is considered a “healthy” diet: that is exactly what this film made me do. Continue reading

Lift weights? I don’t want to look like Arnold…

Just because you lift weights doesn't mean you are going to look like a bodybuilderThis is the first of a two part blog focused on the benefits of resistance (weight) training. Part 1 will focus on the fat burning properties of resistance training, while part two will cover a range of topics around mobility and disease prevention.

A common misconception among those starting on the journey of a fit and healthy lifestyle is that you only lift weights if you want to be a bodybuilder. Inevitably that leads them straight to the treadmill for hours on end. While this isn’t the worst thing in the world and there is known benefit to the cardiovascular system (heart health, oxygen uptake, etc.) from prolonged, light to moderate exertion on a treadmill, bike or walking, it is not the most efficient use of your exercise time. Continue reading

It’s Your Journey

Here is my second, first post. It has been longer than intended for this one to make it off the shelf. I will ask for forgiveness this time as I am new to this social networking and blogging function of the internet.

As stated last time, Fit Tips is meant to be a resource for all of you looking to lead healthier, happier lives. With this in mind I wanted to start at the very beginning (a very good place to start) and look at why is it we are embarking on this pursuit of fitness? Continue reading